We did a sorting activity with different items that would be prioritized if we were ever shipwrecked. The task was to assign an order, from one to fifteen, of a given list of items that would be most helpful while lost at sea.
My top three items were the radio, the rope, and the seat cushion. My groups top three items were the water, the army rations, and the radio. My group convinced me that the water was important for survival, which made sense to me. The army rations similarly made sense as a source of food. The reason I liked the radio is because you could hear ships coming and go to them. My last three items were the rum, shark repellant, and maps last.
Our teams last three items were the same but chocolate substituted rum. This makes sense because my group decided rum can be used as a fuel. I had a hard time choosing an order for the mosquito netting and the plastic sheeting because I thought they could serve a similar purpose. My group ranked the radio in the top three like me, but like I mentioned, they managed to convince me that water is necessary for survival.
Our choices were very different from the Coast Guard choices. One huge difference is they thought the radio wouldn't be helpful because it wouldn't be able to pick up signal from far off ships. I would put the expert advice first because they had very good reasons for their choices and research and years of expertise to back it up. They are, indeed, the professionals.